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Mission & Philosophy

The Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools relate the total student to God through an excellent education leading toward a lifetime of service. 

The education your child receives at Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools focuses on four areas of personal development: Faith, Family, Knowledge, and Service.


Our faith is central to our learning community. Each school day begins and ends with student-led prayer. Students attend weekly Masses and participate in the liturgy through lecturing, serving, music and more. Students learn about their faith through religion classes and activities. Providing students with a strong faith foundation and giving them daily opportunities to express their faith makes a life-long difference. Students who attended Catholic Schools are more likely to practice their faith as adults.


Our students are part of a larger family of the Heelan school community, parish community and the Bishop Heelan graduate community. We support each other to thrive and flourish in the classroom and in life.


Our recognized academic curriculum utilizes the latest teaching strategies and technology. Our schools offer English as a Second Language, accelerated reading and math programs, tutoring, student mentoring, area education agency services and college-level courses. Our student test scores are consistently above local, state and national averages. Every year over 90% of our Bishop Heelan graduates go onto college, most of them to four-year colleges. 


Giving back to others as a demonstration of thanks for God's blessings is an important lesson that is reinforced through our PK-12 system. There are active student organizations for grades 6-12, mission trips, special projects such as "Then Feed Just One." Service is part of preparation for the sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation. High school students who complete 15 hours of service a year are honored with a silver chord upon graduation.